Thursday, March 15, 2007

Kate The Ripper! (Beware The Ides of March!)

Kieferskate is a new friend I met on the 24 message board. I've never done that before, or any sort of chat line thing, but I found it a lot of fun "chatting" with others about my favorite show. She is Kieferskate and I am lovekief1 (are you laughing!). Anyhow, we really seemed to hit it off. Like myself, she too is (I think) hopelessly infatuated with Kiefer Sutherland, 24 and other roads leading from there. One such road is Rocco DeLuca & The Burden. Ironworks Studio's first independently produced record label. Kiefer and his good friend (Jude Cole) own this studio. It is a state of the art recording studio inside Kiefer's big warehouse/old ironworks factory house in Los Angeles. Kiefer is a big time guitar player/collector/musician/music lover and Jude Cole is an accomplished musician.

So to get to the point. Kieferskate, carolyn1968, and I think mellojo, have become Rocco fans (for lack of a better word). So I took a fun leap here and invited Kate to my apt. in NYC to catch two back to back Rocco et al., concerts in April. Since we only know each other over the internet, I've goten some pretty varied responses from friends, family,etc. Husband and kids are "ok" with it at long as I do it in NYC. He just wants me to get "it" over with and get back home to him and the kids (I hope this does it?!). Some friends think it's absolutely "groovy", and others are afraid that I've invited an axe murderer from England to come visit me. Hence the name "Kate The Ripper". Kate and I spoke for the first time on the tele. the other night, and had a good laugh over this. I feel I can pretty much assure everyone that a) I don't think she is an axe murderer, b) She is not a man. (something several of you and both our "mums" were worried about?). Therefore, stay-tuned for our adventures coming Easter week (perhaps not the best planning on our part?) in NYC.

To end the week on a good note, after attending one, possibly two (waiting on Tues. night tix) Rocco concerts in NYC, I will (maybe even travel back with the band?) see them once again in Boston that Friday night with my good friends carolyn1968 and mellojo. I really didn't intend to be a groupie, however, carolyn1968 and myself had planned to go to the concert before I did the "Hey Kate, why don't you jump on a plane from London and catch the Rocco shows with me in NYC thing!". Mellojo just jumped on recently, although she was the first to express interest in a Rocco concert some time ago.

So for someone who hasn't been to a concert since high school and my Grateful Dead daze, I'm going to 3 in one week! What a long strange trip this is going to be. (Almost a direct quote from my "high" school yearbook!)

Hubby will be home with the kids all week (I'm scheduling as many things as I can for him!!!) ROFLOL!! (just kidding!) Thanks mellojo for offering to be available should he require some respite.

So that's the story of Kieferskate aka Kate The Ripper, Lovekief1, Rocco DeLucca et al., carolyn1968 and mellojo. Stay tuned - I have a feeling - It's All Good! Peace Out, LPK


OMDF said...

So if she's Kate the Ripper then who could you be?
L the Looney... naaa
L the Loco... naaaa or maybe you could have a duo name or a side kick name. I think you need a name. Don't you. Help me out here people. I'm not coming up with anything...

KiefersKate said...

OK, So it's Kate the Ripper here.... I can completely confirm lovekief1's remarks that I am neither an axe murderer or a man!! I am though, in the middle of my own mid-life 'something' (not crisis as this is too much fun) and completely infatuated with the scrumptious Kiefer!
My tickets for NYC arrived today so watch out, there's no turning back now, though I promise we'll do our best to behave with some level of decorum!
PS - like the idea of you having a name too, though willing to have mine reconsidered too please?!

lpk said...

Ok,Ok. I hear you both. I'm too tired to think tonight. So will work on it tomorrow. Good night!

lpk said...

Thank you for your kind words Kate The ________? Cheers! Lorraine

mmorris said...

L- you could always go back to your nickname from PA school which was a twist on your maiden name: Killer Petriller.


lpk said...

OMG Michelle,

You are a genius!!!
I completely forgot that!!!
God Bless ya!
How are you buddy?
Those were fun days Huh!!
I'm so glad we met there.

How does next Wednesday or Thursday to my house for Indian take-out and Chinese Mac and Cheese sound for the kids?
Have your girl call mine.
walk carefully! Killer Petriller!

OMDF said...

Please note: Killer Petriller did not relate to my patients! That is all. LPK