Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Kiefer Madness

Some of you may know that I have a little "thing" about Kiefer Sutherland. What exactly this thing is, I'm not sure. I've been calling it my mid-life crisis, but one of my friends said I was too young and not entitled to one yet? 43 years old? That doesn't seem quite fair. I feel I've waited long enough. Then again, I was extremely interested in the retirement plan that came with my first lab tech. asst. job at 18 years old.

Another friend of mine, carolyn1968 does not see this as a crisis at all, but rather just "me" coming out/back, whatever. She views Mid-Life crisis more as a person who may not have done whatever they feel would be exciting in their life. Suddenly they realize their life my be half-over, panic and start doing new things and making up for lost time. Given this description, I'm not there either. She makes the point that I've already done many exciting, crazy things in my life . Rather, I'm RE-DOING some. I'm all for that!

Honestly, I think it is more of an "awakening " of my spirit. Maybe it all really snow-balled with my blood pressure scare a month or so ago, which really did necessitate some lifestyle changes. However, it is really feeling "right" on so many levels now. I'm getting more into making better, healthier food choices, exercise and meditation activities. whatever, - It's All Good.

However, back to the Kiefer thing it may have all really started there - actually probably with my first headlong dive into fun fantasy with Eddie Izzard, but it's in no way going to be all about that. Through the Kiefer thing I've met some interesting new people, such as Kieferskate. I've also been enjoying music so much lately. Something I haven't done in a while - and I am a drummer!!!! I used to love music! I was always tapping on something. For about 12 years now - I've felt very little of that. Now it is bursting out of me again! This is very exciting. I've also enjoyed sharing music back and forth with my friends.

Anyhow, there is so much going on inside me right now, I'm having loads of fun with it. It may have been a bit out of balance for several months now - but I feel likes it's all becoming clearer to me.

The bottom line - I probably shouldn't call it a Mid-Life CRISIS as I in no way feel DISTRESSED! In fact - It all feels pretty good!! Cheers!


KiefersKate said...

Yeh!!! You did it!!!

Well said too! It isn't a crisis at all cos it's too much fun, but I'm sure its a 'mid-life' something!!! I'll bring a thesaurus with me to NYC!!!
The Ripper! Ha ha

lpk said...

Hey Kate The Ripper!

I'm so glad you found the Kate The Ripper thing funny. I definitely do! Forget the Thesaurus, who cares! We're going to have a lot of fun! Later. LPK

Free10007 said...

For a postive view on "Crisis", check out www.accidentalcreative.com, podcast 48, Crisis.

And here's another interesting thing: the first definition of "crisis" in my Merriam Webster is "the turning point for better or worse in an acute disease or fever"...

Free10007 said...

And PS, "M" and I thank you for linking to us. That is so nice!


lpk said...

Hi M and A,

Welcome to my blog.
This internet linking of people is really quite fun. It's also a bit like "crack" if you ask me. I really do enjoy getting to know people this way. Looking forward to your running 24 commentary.after the show tonight /tomorrow - No pressure! visit again - walk gently, LPK