Thursday, February 22, 2007

Care for a Cup of Tea Facts?

As some of you may know, I've recently started drinking green tea (who knew?). Quite frankly, I find it hard to keep straight ANY tea facts. Therefore, I really need to write down a few notes to look back on when I forget this tomorrow. I thought I could save those who are interested a little leg work by posting some info. I'm not going for brilliant tea expose writing - just the facts mam! (As best I understand them).

In order of decreasing levels of antioxidants (phenols). However, all teas have some antioxidants.

white tea - green tea - oolong (Wu Long) - black tea

What are they and how are they prepared?
All teas come from an evergreen bush called camellia sinensis. When the leaves are picked they can be shaken in a bag to slightly "bruise" the leaves (one way of doing it), or just left out to air for the oxidation process to begin. The more oxidized , the less antioxidants (phenols). If this process is even STARTED and for HOW LONG it is allowed to continue gives us the different types of teas listed above. The oxidation reaction is stopped by heating.

White tea - leaves are picked before they fully open, when the buds are still covered by fine "white" hairs. Less caffeine, may have more antioxidants, however, harder to find, more expensive, and quality assurance a question. May/may not be worth extra effort to find good source and price.

Green tea - Picked and dried immediately. NO or very little oxidation. 25 - 50mg of caffeine.

Oolong (also called Wu Long) - oxidation is between green and black tea. It is roasted to dry. Slightly smoky flavor. The type usually served in Chinese restaurants. About 50mg of caffeine.

Black tea - fully oxidized, and heat-dried.

What is red tea?
Rooibos (Red Bush in African). Different plant, very healthy and antioxidant rich also. Historically brewed in South Africa and drank with milk and sugar. Early settlers started drinking it like the natives as black tea on supply ships was scarce and expensive. Rooibos is not tea but rather a tisane (herbal drink). Rooibos contains no caffeine.

What's so great about antioxidants?
Oxidation is a natural process which occurs in our body. A free radical (a charged atom or piece of molecule) is produced which then roams around our body looking to "hook-up" with an electron to stabilize itself. This electron may be from one of your healthy cells. This ongoing process of repeated small amounts of damage may cause a cell to become dysfunctional or possibly cancerous. Therefore, in theory when we drink /eat antioxidant rich foods we are providing our bodies with an alternative source of electrons to stabilize these damage causing free radicals. Other chemicals which act as antioxidants are vitamins C and E, beta-carotene, and selenium. The specific kind of antioxidants in teas are called phenols.

One last point: Loose tea leaves are supposedly better than tea bags. The tea in the bags may often be powdered lower quality tea. (However, convienance does count for something). Also remember not to use boiling water, but rather very hot water to make tea.

Well, as far as tea goes, I still think - It's all good! Now, off to Tea Time. Enjoy!


Jorge said...

Hi Loraine, I don't drink tea or know about tea, except what O tells me, since she's getting into it, but I liked your "These feet are meant for walking". My feet are meant for walking also since I get a lot of walking done on the farm. One day I wore one of those things on my belt that measures how many steps you take and converts the steps into miles and I clocked 13 miles in one day. Walking is good for you, keep it up whenever you can. Have fun in the Keys. Hasta otro tiempo,
Take Care, Jorge

lpk said...

Hola Jorge,

Wow! 13 miles! Hay Caramba! (I need a Spanish keyboard.) I love exclamation marks, and your native language gets double mileage on them.

Your farm sounds beautiful, from what O has told me. It sounds like your walking on a slice of God's country, make every step count! Hast otro tiempo, walk gently, Lorraine

OMDF said...

I like the saying from a song, "This boots are made for walking..." I have Fred Flinstone feet... I think that means I have feet for walking too. Hey, I forgot to ask you about my NAN! :( I guess I don't really need NAN... it might make my ass too heavy for walking!! aaa... it's all good!

Jorge said...

Yeah O, Like you said at the end, it's all good! It's also terrific that your feet are made for walking.

mmorris said...

Hi Lorraine,
How's Florida? You're missing the most beautiful snowfall of the season here. Big puffy flakes falling straight down turning the world wonderfully white. My favorite kind of snow. But hey, I'm sure the weather is tolerable there.
PS: Happy birthday to ETK.